
Registered Charities in Prince Edward Island

BN/Registration Number Charity Name Effective Date of Status Address City Province Postal Code/Zip Code 892373978RR0001 VOICE TO THE NATIONS CHRISTIAN MISSION INC 1993-12-07 167 HILLSBOROUGH STREET CHARLOTTETOWN PE C1A4W8 815202999RR0001 Abegweit Conservation Society...

Schools in Prince Edward Island

Looking for a specific school in Prince Edward Island? Look no further than ! If you prefer a visual guide to schools in Prince Edward Island, then check out this handy...

2017 National Volunteer Week in Canada

Are you gearing up for Canada's National Volunteer Week (NVW)? The big week is just around the corner, taking place from April 23 to April 29, 2017. This year marks Volunteer Canada's 14th consecutive year to deliver the NVW program. That's no small feat......

Lest We Forget (Remembrance Day 2016)

Remembrance Day is a day where we reflect on those that give their lives to protect the freedom and peace we all cherish. Take time today to stop and think about the sacrifices that have been made by others. In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row...

Nonprofit Funding

Nonprofit Funding Opportunities Looking for funding opportunities for your nonprofit organizations? Here at , we've done the hard work for you and compiled a list of available funding opportunities. The opportunities are geared towards all nonprofit sectors...

Volunteering Abroad

**Please note that does not endorse the programs listed below; it is important to do your research and find the program that fits best for you.** AFS Interculture Canada A Canadian based NGO that sends volunteers to over 50 different countries! Choose your...

Good Volunteer Traits

The beautiful part about volunteering is that there is almost always something for everyone. In fact, there are often volunteer opportunities that will perfectly mesh with the skills of a specific person. Whether you are an expert at chemistry, a master carpenter or a...

The unfortunate need people who will be kind to them; the prosperous need people to be kind to.