Canadian Multiculturalism Grants and Contribution Program – Nonprofit Funding

Organization / Program Name: Canadian Multiculturalism Grants and Contribution Program
Category: Community Development

The program provides funding, normally in the form of grants, to community-based events that foster intercultural or interfaith understanding, civic memory and pride or respect for core democratic values. The primary intention is to create concrete opportunities for interaction among cultural and faith communities. Applications will be considered year-round.

Main Address:
180 Kent Street, 6th floor
K1A 1L1
Growth of the soul is our goal, and there are many ways to encourage that growth, such as through love, nature, healing our wounds, forgiveness, and service. The soul grows well when giving and receiving love. I nourish my soul daily by loving others and being vulnerable to their love. Love is, after all, a verb, an action word, not a noun.
Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.

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180 Kent Street, 6th floor, Ottawa, Ontario