Add Volunteer Opportunity

Are you a nonprofit organization, club or agency looking for volunteers? Volunteer PEI helps you share your volunteer needs to those in Prince Edward Island and the surrounding area. Posting your volunteer opportunities is easy – fill out the form below and see your listing on our Volunteer Opportunities page.

Add Volunteer Opportunity Form

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Also, to help streamline the matching process, we will add your volunteer opportunity to our handy Volunteer Opportunity Map. This will allow volunteers to quickly locate an opportunity near their school, home or workplace. Convenience.

If you do not see your volunteer opportunity posted on Volunteer PEI (after filling out the form below), then please Contact Us so we can help!

You nourish your soul by fulfilling your destiny, by developing the potential that the soul represents. When you fulfill your soul’s destiny, you will feel “right.” Conversely, when you ignore your soul’s destiny, when you get caught up in your own self-interests and forget to care for others, you will not feel “right.” Instead, you will feel empty and unfulfilled. During these times, you are neglecting your soul–you are depriving it of nourishment. When I talk to people who feel this emptiness and lack of fulfillment, I recommend they find a source of balance in their lives. I suggest they find a way to “give back” to the world in order to feel a sense of completeness.