Redwhite foundation
Organization Type: Other NonprofitAddress: 407 th ave, Calgary, Alberta T2P1M6
Contact: Ruth M Anderson
Phone: 04036995423

Redwhite Foundation works with creative millenial communities at 21 Nations that have similar spirit phylosophy reflected in Red and White flag colour that will contribute for global humanitarian, environmental care, cultural campaign among fellow memberships and self independence. We’ve been creating opportunities for youth to realize their full potential. We have a mission to be a solid and reputable youth global organization, and contribute something different action based on millenials passion, in order the voice of millenials from 21 red white nations able to change the word. Then our vision to provide fast and innovative solution to answer the global challanges, Bring the fresh concept idea to improve the future. Five of our organization values are integrity, Commitment, Solidarity, Teamwork and Equality We also have 10 strong declaration, and unique solutions that will be completely recognized in our website : is a newly established organization where registered in 2019 under Indonesia law and legal organization permit known as “Pondasi Merah Putih”. This organization holds the old spirit phylosophy about red and white flag utilization. The founders believe that each nations at 21 countries which have a similar flag colors ( red and white ) also have similar foundation purpose. The history proves that the foundation states was conceived by youth generation. Therefore, the solidarity of millenials at these countries will have a extraordinary impact on the global stage better than its predecessor.
We introduce five millenials programs, therefore we also separate these programs into five division call as ;
1. Aid of angel armies – that will be involve in humanitarian assistances
2. Ecowarrior attack – that will be focuss into environmental conservacy
3. Culture defender force – that will delegate to explore the culture treasury and protect the abandon heritages.
4. I am the CEO program has created to accomodate youth bussiness idea
5. Skywalker-terapist is the most unique division that filled by medical expertise and psichologist to aim youth rehabilitation.
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407 th ave, Calgary, Alberta T2P1M6