Sherwwod Parkdale Rural Minor Hockey Association

Organization Type: Sports & Recreation
Address: 58 Maple Ave, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island C1A 6E3

Sherwwod Parkdale Rural Minor Hockey Association Logo

The Sherwood Parkdale Rural Minor Hockey Association (SPRMHA), which draws its players from Sherwood and surrounding rural communities within its boundaries, is a local minor hockey association. The Association is made up of about 450 members aged from 4 years old to 18 years old. There are several male and female divisions at various levels of play. Hockey PEI and Hockey Canada govern the Association.

The purpose of the Association (SPRMHA) is to organize, develop,
and promote minor hockey within our communities. SPRMHA will strive to provide quality leadership at all levels and create an understanding of teamwork and sportsmanship in an atmosphere of fun and positive reinforcement for all players and volunteers.

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Sherwwod Parkdale Rural Minor Hockey Association’s Volunteer Opportunities

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In the arena of human life the honors and rewards fall to those who show their good qualities in action.

Contact Sherwwod Parkdale Rural Minor Hockey Association

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58 Maple Ave, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island C1A 6E3

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